Originally posted on May 18th 2023

PDF available here

Monstrous Agonies E99S03 Transcript 

[Title music: slow, bluesy jazz.] 

H.R. Owen 

Monstrous Agonies: Episode Ninety Nine. 

[The music fades out, replaced by the sound of a radio being tuned. It scrolls through Irish trad music, a voice saying “-strike action-”, a  voice saying “-tenants who can’t afford it-”, a voice saying “-jobs are  to be cut-” and the sound of someone screaming before cutting off  abruptly as it reaches the correct station.] 

The Presenter 

-mysterious scrimshaw sigils revealed in a routine X-ray. Up next tonight, it’s time for our advice segment. 

[Background music begins: An acoustic guitar playing a blues riff] 

The Presenter 

The Nightfolk Network – broadcasting all the time, for all time. [End of background music] 

The Presenter 

First this evening, a listener struggling with commitment. 

The Presenter (as First Letter Writer) 

I have this partner who I’ve been seeing for a-a, a bit now, and, well,  they’re wonderful! [laughs] We’ve got loads in common and spending time with them is always just so easy. 

They’re a keen birder – apparently it’s very important you say “birder” not  “twitcher”. [laughs] Who knew. I didn’t really see the appeal at first. Not  much of a date, is it, standing together, not saying anything. Not even  looking at one another. 

But actually, I’ve come to love it! [laughs softly] I know the names of the  birds in my garden for the first time in my life. I’ve even started learning a  few bird calls calls. 

And it’s nice, spending time together like that. Knowing they just enjoy  being in the same place as me. We don’t have to talk, we can just… be  there. Together. [laughs] 

The problem is, they are a regenerative genus and I met them towards the  end of this lifespan. We have a few months left and then... Well. They’ll...  pass on, and come back as a hatchling. 

I’m so not interested in moving from partner to parent! [laughs] So we  talked it through and when it happens we’ll simply part ways. And they, uh.  Well, they won’t remember me, so it’s not like we can pick up the pieces  down the line. Once it’s over, it’s, uh... Over. Everything we have together  just, um... Yeah, just. Gone up in flames. [laughs weakly] 

I don’t want to give up on the time I have left with them. But it’s... hard to  feel invested in a relationship when it has an expiration date. Should I stick with it? Or just, uh… quit while I’m ahead? 

The Presenter (as themselves) 

I wish I had a simple answer for you, listener. Unfortunately, this is a very  personal and complex situation. As such, the only person qualified to  decide what you should do is… you. 

You need to reflect seriously on how the loss of your lover is likely to effect you and whether that effect will be tempered or exacerbated by spending  more time together now. 

You also need to consider how this “expiry date” will effect your ability to  show up for your partner. 

Some people do find it difficult to find joy in short-term relationships. They  relish taking their time to really get to know their lover, forging a deep  connection over an extended period of time.  

They feel comforted and supported by the thought of their relationship  stretching out indefinitely, occupying future space as well as present. 

Meanwhile, others find real comfort and delight in knowing someone for a  short time and then parting ways. And while short-lived, their connections  are no less authentic for their brevity. 

They throw themselves into the endeavour with sincerity, and enjoy their  time together to the full. They’re able to enjoy what their partner brings to  them in the now, without asking for promises for the future. 

Contrary to the opinion of various pearl-clutching moralisers, neither one of these approaches is inherently better or worse than the other. As such,  there is no reason to force yourself into one model of behaviour if it is not  right for you.

Your partner deserves to be with someone who can connect with them  authentically, and be truly, sincerely present in the relationship. If you can  do that in the short-term then by all means, embrace what time you have  together and make the most of it. 

But if you can’t be that person – if you need the security of a shared future  to be able to fully commit – I’m afraid it would be unkind to both of you to  continue. 

[Background music begins: An acoustic guitar playing a blues riff] 

The Presenter 

Brought to by Hero's Journey, specialists in unique and unusual holidays.  

Whether you're looking for all-inclusive family fun or a quiet get-away  alone, we've got a holiday package to suit you – from sunny vacations in  the Bermuda Triangle to frozen getaways in the depths of dead stars. Or  make your journey the destination, with a luxurious cruise down the time  stream. 

Hero's Journey – heed the call! Proud members of the Nightfolk Network. [End background music] 

 The Presenter 

Tonight’s second letter is from a listener feeling uncertain about some  romantic logistics. 

The Presenter (as Second Letter Writer) 

I, uh... Well. I think I'm in love! [laughs] I mean, I think so. I hope so. It's  not something I'm exactly, uh, familiar with. I've always kept to myself. It's, 

um. Better for everyone that way. 

Not that I'm lonely, gods no! [laughs] I've got a great life! I tend my garden and feed my sheep, and I've got a great view of the sunset up here in my  cabin. I can see all the way down to the valley below on a clear evening. 

I've never needed anyone else before. I've always just had me and that's  been fine! It- It used to be fine. Now though… [sighs] 

I try and picture my future, and I- I don’t like it. I don't want to imagine what it’ll be like. Not if I- If I can’t imagine her being with me. That's love, right?  That's what all my books say.  

She came up my mountain one day while I was sitting outside, reading.  She's a botanist, and she'd heard of my “exquisite garden” – her words,  not mine! [laughs] 

It had been a while since I'd had anyone to talk to, but she made it easy.  She had so many questions about the garden, about the rare flowers I  have and how I get them to grow so large. 

We could sit and talk for hours about plants, fertilisers, and how to  perfectly place the orchids so they grow well. Anything. And we have.  These last few months, she's come up the mountain twice a week. 

We sit for hours on my porch, watching the valley below, and talking. And  talking. And talking, and talking! [laughs] I'll never forget how she looks  when the sun’s setting, the golden light caught in her eyes, her hand on  mine... 

All of this to say that, yes, I think I'm in love. [laughs nervously] B-but  I’m- We're not- Well, she's more or less sapio-sized, and I'm... bigger. I'm-  [sighs] 

Alright. I'm a giant. Which is a problem. Right? It's definitely a problem. We can't exactly go to her favourite restaurant for a date if I can't even walk  down the high street without knocking over telephone poles. 

I-I couldn't ask her to stay up here with me, away from everyone else. She  needs other people. It wouldn’t be fair. But I don't want to lose her so soon  after finding her. 

I thought I'd be alone forever, and I was fine with that. I was. I-I was. But  now I know I could be alone with someone. And I… don't know what to do. 

The Presenter (as themselves) 

I realise you are asking for practical, romantic advice, listener. But first, I  feel I must address some of the assumptions underlying your letter. I don’t  know who taught you your size was a problem, but I would very much like  to give them a piece of my mind. 

If you can’t walk down the high street without knocking over a few  telephone poles, it’s because the street is badly designed – not because  there is anything wrong with you or your body. 

You deserve to take up space in the world and to have a community  around you who make an effort to accommodate you. By all means, enjoy  the peace and quiet of home, but please, do not isolate yourself for fear  that your physical presence is inconvenient to others.

Regarding the substance of your letter, frankly I think you may be making a mountain out of a molehill. This woman comes to visit you twice a week.  She clearly finds the reward of your company well-worth the effort of the  trip. 

I don’t see any reason at all she should have to choose between a life with you, and a life with her friends and family. 

You say that you have been happy alone, and I won’t argue with your  experiences. I only wonder if you might not have been a little too  comfortable with your own isolation, to the point of cutting yourself off from other, new experiences. 

It is a frightening thing, to ask for what you need. If you have spend a  lifetime trying not to be a nuisance, making yourself as small and  unobtrusive as possible, it can feel like an act of staggering audacity to  suddenly demand the world make space for you. 

And how much more audacious when those demands are not, in fact,  needs, but desires. When the world has told you, constantly, day in and  day out, that it is not for you – that you are too big, too strange, too  different – it takes great strength and courage to say, “No. No, I deserve to  be here, and what’s more, I deserve to enjoy it.” 

But you do deserve to enjoy it, listener. You deserve to take up space and  be safe and supported and connected to your community. You deserve a  hand to hold while you’re watching the sunset, and to laugh together and  share your life together, in whatever way makes sense to you. 

Talk to your friend about your burgeoning feelings. If it gives you courage, I can say it sounds very much like they may be quite thoroughly  reciprocated. But above all, please, remember: the world is better for  having you in it, just as you are. You do nobody any favours by hiding  yourself away. 

That’s all for our advice segment. Next up, we’ve got some tips and tricks  for reducing energy costs in the home. Recharging your cursed objects  and enchanted items doesn’t have to cost the earth… 

[Speech fades into static as the radio is retuned. It scrolls through  rock and roll music, a voice saying “-Corfu-”, a voice saying “-it’s  gone!-” and someone singing along with a guitar solo before fading  out. 

Title music: slow, bluesy jazz. It plays throughout the closing credits.] 

H.R. Owen 

Episode Ninety Nine of Monstrous Agonies was written and performed by  H.R. Owen. 

Tonight's first letter was submitted by Ivy, the second letter was from  Adrianna, and this week's advert was based on similar suggestions by Ella and itsthekiks. Thanks, friends. 

Hello and welcome to our latest supporter on Patreon, Anastasia. Join  them at patreon.com/monstrousagonies, or make a one-off donation at ko fi.com/hrowen. You can also help us grow our audience by sharing with  your friends and familiars, and following us on Tumblr,   @MonstrousAgonies, and on Twitter, @Monstrous_Pod. 

This podcast is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. The theme tune is  Dakota by Unheard Music Concepts. 

Thanks for listening, and remember – the real monsters are the friends we  made on the way. 

[Fade to silence] 



Episode One Hundred


Episode Ninety Eight